Preferred Vendor Logo 2020

Exclusive offers for hihotels

Manage revenue to the max with Visual Matrix

Running a profitable hotel is hard work and getting harder. That’s why our PMS is designed for your bottom line. With VM+, you get a patent-pending, fully integrated revenue manager, plus all the tools you need to efficiently meet every challenge from check in to return stay.

With VM+ , get a revenue manager and more for less than 5 room nights a month.

Exclusive hihotels rates. Limited-time offers!


VM Core Starts at $195/month, and we'll waive the implementation fee if you sign with Shift4 Payments


VM+ Includes Revenue Management LIVE! Plus sign up for VM+ by July 30, 2022, and get MOP FREE for 3 months!

Never leave money on the table.

Schedule a demo today!

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