Empower your staff with a panic button you can start using today

Emergency safety devices (ESDs) like panic buttons are in demand as more cities introduce ordinances requiring them and labor shortages leave hotel employees working alone more often. With MOP by Visual Matrix, you can give your team a panic button right on their mobile device. Just one tap and help is on the way.

Show your team how much you care

  • Automatically activates the device’s camera to start recording
  • Automatically sends text messages and calls designated staff, like a manager, supervisor, and security guard
  • Automatically tells you the location of the team member in trouble
  • Provides instant access to help at all times

Benefits beyond safety

  • MOP is an easy-to-learn and use mobile operating platform loved by front desk, housekeeping, and maintenance staff in more than 1,000 hotels.
  • A panic button is just one of many included features that keep your team connected to each other and the real-time data they need on the go to work smarter, faster, and better.
  • MOP can pay for itself by lowering your costs and increasing your efficiency through automation
The Panic Button is a Great addition to the MOP tool.
The panic button incorporated in MOP is a great safety enhancement. Not only does it give other team members a heads-up a fellow team member needs help, it also activates the camera where crucial video evidence could be obtained in a worst case scenario. A great addition to a great tool.

Rick Oelkers, CHO, CHA, CHIA
General Manager
Wingate by Wyndham Valdosta/Moody AFB

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