See what Georgine Muntz, Visual Matrix CEO, has to say as she looks back on 2022.
As I reflect on 2022 and look forward to 2023, I realize our team has many things to celebrate and be thankful for.
My top 5 highlights from 2022 are listed below, but I hope it goes without saying how honored and privileged we are to have served you and your team, including over 3,000 hoteliers and 25,000 unique users this year.
We’re looking forward to serving even more next year in large part thanks to the amazing customer/partner referrals along with sales and development team efforts planned for 2023!
Top 5 Highlights from 2022
1. Abundance
Despite inflation and inklings of possible economic recession, 2022 has been one of growth for virtually all of our clients. We’ve seen client businesses posting record revenue and occupancy, pursuing innovation, and adding more talent to their teams. We are so proud of our VM hoteliers and all of their success!
Our networking and referral partners are experiencing the same type of growth, and we’re enjoying the opportunity to serve many more hotel franchisees and owners with payment processing tools, MOP, and other features. We’re grateful that so many hoteliers have placed their trust in us as their PMS and housekeeping solution. It means a lot to us when we’re appointed to this prestigious position in a hotel owner’s operations.
We’re also thankful for the abundance of appreciation received this year for our efforts. Our team is filled with talented, hardworking professionals, most of which have worked in hotels. Thank you for all the positive reviews, articles, and feedback, and we value any improvement ideas offered by our customer community.
2. Future
The best is yet to come! We’re immensely grateful for the sense of optimism and positivity for what the future holds. One thing that particularly excites us is how our integrated operating system can make a difference to the hotelier’s bottom line. It’s awesome to know our work is directly connected to the achievement of our hoteliers’ financial goals and dreams. Check out our savings calculator!
3. People
everything begins and ends with people at Visual Matrix, and we’re extremely thankful for all the relationships that exist because of the work we get to do. A huge shout out of thanks to you, all of our amazing clients, for choosing us to be your trusted technology partner year after year!
It truly takes a village, so cheers to the best team – they do whatever it takes to make sure all the support issues get addressed and they try so very hard to make using our system as easy as possible. And, finally, to our raving fans and partners – thanks for collaborating with us and working night and day to improve the experience of our hoteliers. We love solving technology problems to make the guest experience better and make serving guests easier, so keep sharing those ideas!
4. Responsibility
We appreciate the strong sense of responsibility that has been adopted by our team as part of our culture and how our desire to reliably serve our hoteliers night and day has made a positive difference in the lives of our users. We’re committed to being here whenever needed, always on and always ready to help.
5. Change
Everything seems to be changing at a very rapid pace in the world, and we’re grateful for our team’s ability to embrace change and thrive despite it. This year we’ve implemented several new tools and processes to enhance our service delivery. We’re committed to the relentless pursuit of improvement and always working to be better for you.
As you can see, our gratitude is truly endless, so we want to thank each of you again for helping make Visual Matrix the top choice for hoteliers that can choose their technology partner.
From our family to yours, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!